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"Dickens, as you know, never got round to starting his home page." - Terry Pratchett

The usual thing. Links to other sites, allowing me to be your sherpa in the world of the internet. It's a jungle out there...

Other Folk

The Little House on the Internet that I frequent to associate with the lovely folk who I had the privalage of attending college with (and a few others. You could be one of them, it's just a click away...)
My favourite webcomic, at the moment. Read it, fool!
More webcomicy goodness.
The home of YOUR lord and master, Foamy.
My friend is talented. My other friends are to, but if they have web pages displaying I don't know their URLS.

More Me (As if you wanted it)

A handful of my fantasy writings. Last I recall it's about four short stories and a poem. It's worth having a wander around Elfwood generally though, there are some brilliant writers and artists there who I couldn't hold a candle to.
I caved in and have a MySpace. My blog is full of poetry, and you can gain access to my friends. They're intersting folk.
See what music I like, and by extension you should like too.
Yeah, I have a YouTube account. There's even a video on there. 'Why "ZarathustraFlux"', you ask? 'Why not?' I respond. God is Dead.